The International Networking of Cleaning Product Associations (INCPA) is a platform for the exchange of information amongst cleaning product industry associations of the different regions of the world to foster collaboration and, when deemed appropriate, conduct external advocacy and communications. INCPA member organizations serve economies totaling over 2.7 billion people, with the market value of their member companies’ products totaling over $250 billion (USD).

Cleaning products are essential to society. INCPA members are committed to developing, manufacturing, distributing, and marketing innovative, sustainable and effective products that are safe for consumers and the environment. The Network’s members are committed to the development of products that improve the quality of life through hygiene and cleanliness, can be used safely and without unreasonable risk to the environment, and fulfill the principles of sustainability, as well as meeting or exceeding legal requirements.


INCPA shall serve to support its members' goals toward the sustainable development the of the detergent, cleaning and maintenance product industry and/or their materials around the globe so that the industry’s products and activities contribute to improving the quality of life.It supports processes fostering:

  • Exchange of knowledge and sharing of best practices
  • Promotion of sound chemical management principles and practices
  • Presentation of a united cleaning product industry view to key international organizations
  • Trade facilitation and industry competitiveness.
  • Promotion of sustainable growth.
  • Facilitate interaction between its members to identify and pursue opportunities arising from trade negotiations.
  • Facilitate member associations to take prompt actions to address concerns/issues related to detergents, cleaning and maintenance products and/or their materials.


INCPA has a central role in the exchange of information within the global industry, and in the development of position statements on matters of international policy.

The objectives of INCPA are to:

  • Facilitate efficient and issue-related exchange of information amongst associations for a common understanding and increased awareness of potential emerging issues.
  • Showcase and promote best practices of member associations’ initiatives.
  • Develop, where appropriate, joint statements or position papers on global issues and develop, if necessary, related advocacy strategies.
  • Strive, where appropriate, for compatibility of the various regulatory frameworks for the detergent, cleaning and maintenance products industry and/or their materials.
  • Foster, where possible, the environment for global trade in quality products and, where appropriate, encourage a reduction in barriers to trade.